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I write regularly. In my writing I explore a range of topics like Identity, Perspective, Transformation, Conscious Authentic Relating. Writing is a tool for me to observe finer distinctions within these realms, which then supports me in my speaking, training, and coaching.

Most of my writing is done right here though you can see an anthology of my published works and how you can purchase them on this page.


“I absolutely love your writing! I feel such resonance in your words because you write from your heart. It's real and a perspective not often publicly shared... I really appreciate that. I always look forward to your posts and I savour them.”

- Louise Vella

"Your authenticity and willingness to seek to arrive at what I see as mature, generous perspectives is a breath of fresh air. It's nice to have someone write about these topics, give a voice to them, normalise them, and seek to make sense of them (and not overanalyse them either)."

- Tim Longhurst

"When I read your writing I feel a sense of acceptance and possibility. It helps remind me how we each perceive things differently and since we're each on our own journeys growing and evolving, we can deepen in love. It's very special."

- Brett Hunt

Presence & Intelligence

Presence & Intelligence

The wisdom of our body/mind system is that it has a set point - homeostasis.

Despite the name making it sound fixed, this set point actually can change, but it does so gradually over time. It's incremental slow movement.

The body/mind moves at a sloth's pace compared to the light speed at which our spirits can adapt & adjust.

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How to Approach Hard Conversations at Home & at Work

How to Approach Hard Conversations at Home & at Work

In a coaching session last week with one of the CEOs I coach, he was feeling anxious about navigating an "uncomfortable conversation" at work.

He had hired a new team member and he didn't want those under that person to feel "demoted" when they started being managed by that new hire rather than the person they had previously been reporting to.

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Traumatising Experiences

Traumatising Experiences

A core principle in YSC is that we can’t believe anything we think. All of our thoughts are illusions – stories made up inside our own experience.

To truly be present is to be with what is, in the absence of interpretation.

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Privilege and the unconscious mind

Privilege and the unconscious mind

We take for granted that which we are accustomed to – in other words, our privilege.

If we’re used to walking and moving about the world pain-free, we think that’s normal.

If we’re used to being able to walk home alone in the dark without a drop of fear that we might be assaulted, we assume everyone does that.

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Beautiful Souls

Beautiful Souls

I’ve been observing how often I hear the term “beautiful soul” and I’ve been reflecting on that this morning.

I reckon we all have a beautiful soul. Seriously, have you ever met anyone that didn’t? It’s our human psyches that can mask it (through judgement), so we can’t always perceive it.

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Ready to level up?

Several months ago I was auditioning a woman to work with because I liked what she had shared online and I wanted to experience how embodied she was and see if there was energetic alignment between us. I thought she might be able to support me with my focus at the time which was eliminating codependent patterns from how I do partnering.

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“At the core of your being, you already are all that you seek.”

Divya Darling Illuminate the Infinite logo


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